Conversations with the Sea

“It feels like I’ve just had a conversation with the sea, and it told me to stop running from ghosts & accept that I am one.”

-(from my latest poem)

Why hello everyone! thank you for stumbling across my blog!

Although I’m in the middle of finishing a bunch of spirit paintings, there aren’t any in this blog. I just felt the need to share some late night ramblings in my head.  I was just painting my closet door (for a change of scenery–photo at the bottom!) and was thinking about why we spend so much time in our lives trying to “figure out” or define who we are when our time could be better placed elsewhere. Hear me out…


You are different every second that passes while you read these words.

…new you…

…new you…

…new you…

There is no static moment in time where you can pause the clouds and determine who you ARE. By deciding that “I am” something based upon an experience I have learned from in the past, I immediately limit myself and what I am capable of in the future. And if you spend all your time focusing on what you were and who you hope to be in the future as a result, you lose what is really important: the now.

See, all we have is this moment. We are trained to wait forever for life to happen; but while we are waiting, life is happening right before our eyes.

I think our society values people who can easily draw themselves to personality traits to describe who they are such as “I have a temper” or “I am stubborn” or even “I am overly optimistic”. But I have never been overly fond of classifications, especially with something as vast and infinite as a soul. The moment I decide to accept (based on my past experiences) that “I am stubborn” I rob myself of authentically experiencing the NOW. Maybe I don’t feel anger in the moment, maybe I feel deep understanding, or want to walk away from the situation. The defining label does nothing but limit me and therefore the people that I surround myself with.

You never reach a stage where you know who you are. Ever. We live in delusion when we decide we have learned everything there is to learn. I have personally learned that by stripping myself of all belief systems and determining for myself as I go through life what does and does not feel true and authentic to my heart, I allow myself freedom from moment to moment. I never tie myself to an idea. I am never forced to ruthlessly defend a philosophy or thought, and I am rarely prone to judging others on their own philosophies. In fact, I can expand my own perspectives on life by hearing those thoughts and beliefs of others (and I can listen without judgement!) and still walk away unharmed!

So often we walk into a conversation or an argument with others armed with our truths or beliefs. And while its good to have a sense of ones own moral compass, it prevents us from truly and deeply connecting and listening to others if we are trying to defend thoughts and ideas endlessly.

What if you don’t have to wait for a certain time and place to change yourself? Become better? There is no place in this entire world that you can venture to and leave having found yourself, except for within. Even if you find places that leave you breathless, the only breath you will ever need is the one that already keeps your heart beating.

Just some food for thought. Also, here is my closet door! 🙂 “We live by the sun and feel by the moon.”

Love and Light, friends.


One thought on “Conversations with the Sea

  1. Hello, it’s interesting for me to feel the need to message you about this however I feel as though you are ready to know. You have a violet aura, it’s almost a deeper purple than that. This shows a deep understanding of spirit, another level of conciousness. You are vegan? Stay that way, it allows all of your connections to be made through the brain, another thing to be doing is drink distilled water (pure water). One last thing, have you ever had reiki done? You’d likely benefit from it. It will cleanse your energies and allow you to connect and feel on an even deeper level. Do not doubt that you are strongly intuitive. Know that Mother Earth has gone through the shift to the 4th dimension and we are all vibrating on a higher level. This is all very vague, feel free to email me if you have questions or want to know more…

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